Friday, June 29, 2018

Day 17- 4 Continents, 6 Countries, We're Home.

6/28/2018 -
Thank you for reading our blog. I hope you've enjoyed it! We found out that people have been reading our blog in the USA, Canada, Peru, Phillipines, Italy, and Norway! Three more continents to go!

So today we packed up and then after we were done packing we went to the office to check out and look at some pretty rocks and agates at the Geological Agate Center. I set off the the alarm twice, so fun, but anyways... so after we were done at the office we went back to our trailer and we got all of what we needed from inside of the trailer and put it in the truck. We hooked up the trailer to the truck and then we drove out and we came home.

Two black tanks and two grey tanks, emptied and cleaned in 30 minutes.We're getting better at it.

Once we got home we went, well, we unpacked first, and then we went to church for dinner and talked while Mom and Dad talked with their friends. Kate and I helped out in a room while Taylor was in the service with Mom and Dad, and then after service we talked with one of our good friends for a while before driving home. Mom and I started to get all the weeds out of the garden. My cucumbers are growing! Dad helped Taylor move his truck back to the driveway, and mowed the lawn.

After we were done getting all the weeds out of the garden, Mommy took a shower and cut Daddy's hair and and then we all got ready for bed. Lights out, good night. Thank you for joining us!



  1. Good report Lily! Wait...Whaaa? Is that Taylor driving?! ����
