Saturday, October 20, 2018

RoadSchool-SD Hiding on the Plains

So long, Custer! Our visit flew by way too fast!

Badlands... here we come!

We were happy to be here for only one night, as the Cedar Pass campground was pretty rough... no water, clogged bathrooms, and poorly placed electric hook-ups. Thankfully they reimbursed us for the night, as it just so happened to be the most expensive campsite thus far! State parks are definitely the way to go, if they're in the area. ;)

You can't argue with the view though! Lily pulled up a chair to look at the pretty view while snacking on an apple... we could hear cows mooing off in the distance, and it was quite peaceful.

"It's so beautiful! Well except for the garbage can." 

If we'd stayed longer, she was going to get her paints out... definitely an artist!

We hit the overlook just as the sun was setting, and were surrounded by a photography class. Good time to come! The girls remarked that they could flake the dried pieces of ground off, and form them into a ball of clay... it's always fun to throw things over a cliff.

Shadows are a fun element here!

We talked about the phrase, "Iconic photos"... ;)

This one... uff da. I was THAT mom warning her kid back from the edge. 

We headed to Wall Drug for a late dinner, but decided Dairy Queen was more economical. Including ice cream. Win win!

Iconic photo... ;)

In the morning Lily completed the Badlands Jr. Ranger program, and we stopped in at the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site just across the freeway.

(Taylor) During the Cold War, the U.S. military set up minuteman missiles (named for the brave men during the Revolutionary War) in five states: ND, SD, MT, IA, NE. If the missiles were launched, they would fly over the North Pole into the Soviet Union within 30 minutes. To this day, there are still 450 Minuteman missiles deployed in the Upper Great Plains.

A piece of the Berlin Wall

The sites were chosen away from well-populated areas, and each launch facility was remotely connected to 10 missile silos. A nuclear deterrent that maintained peace and prevented war.

Original artwork on a missile blast door reads: "World wide delivery in 30 minutes or less, or your next one is free."

On to Pierre, SD!

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